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Executive board

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[accordion-item title=»Miguel Rodríguez Melo»]

Biologist, MSc. Physiology applied to production systems.

He is a biologist with recognized experience in the forestry sector and the development of climate change projects. He worked as Forestry Director of Pizano SA and General and Country Manager of Monterrey Forestal Colombia.

He was a member of various organizations' board of directors, such as Acofore, Conif, Fedemaderas, and Camcore. He is a counselor of agricultural sciences in Colciencias and a member of the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN.




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[accordion-item title=»Adriana Pachón Ruiz»]

Agricultural Engineer, Specialist in Financial Management.

She is an expert in comprehensive projects of water and soil resource management. She focuses on the inter-institutional articulation of the agricultural sector, systematic analysis of information, generation of indicators, risk analysis, and assessment of vulnerabilities in businesses.

Her experience is in structuring, formulating, and evaluating agricultural projects and land use plans.




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[accordion-item title=»Roberto León Gómez»]

Civil Engineer, Master in Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources from the Los Andes University and the University of Maryland.

His experience is in environmental management and sustainable development in the public and private sectors, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and climate change. He has participated in the definition of investment programs and schemes to reduce deforestation and land-use changes.







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