Project information

Proyecto de Conservación Kaliawiri REDD+

Project ID: PCR-CO-BFX-14-004
Project Name: Proyecto de Conservación Kaliawiri REDD+
Project Participants: BIOFIX Consultancy SAS and the Resguardos indígenas Cali Barranquilla, Concordia, Chocón, Flores Sombrero, Guaco Bajo and Guaco Alto, Río Siare Barranco Lindo, Saracure Río Cadá, Fauna & Flora Kumali'bo SAS
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB): AENOR Confia S.A.U.
Methodology: BCR0002_Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions. REDD+ Projects
Quantification Period: 2015-01-01 to 2044-12-31
Verified GHG Emission Reductions or Removals: 5,206,011
Sector: Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU)
Migrated from:
Country: Colombia

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Within the Orinoco-Amazon transition zone, seven “Resguardos indigenas” of the Sikuani and Piapoco tribes in the departments of Guainía and Vichada, allied with BIOFIX in the KALIAWIRI REDD+ Project, are working to ensure the conservation of the 358.000 hectares of tropical rainforest forests they own within their communities. To this end, they have defined as cross line of action educational processes in forest governance, entrepreneurship, gender equality, rescue of ancestral cultural traditions, and territorial delineation; reforestation and community monitoring; implementation of renewable energies and improvement of infrastructure in communications, mobility, health and recreation, technification of productive processes carried out by the communities for self-sufficiency and marketing of products based of cocoa, chili, yucca, sweet yucca, pineapple, sugar cane, cereals, as well as the incorporation of sustainability in the use of silvopastoral systems, fishing and non-timber forest products such as Moriche, Seje and Caucho.