Project information

Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia

Project ID: BCR-CO-261-14-001
Project Name: Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia
Project Holder: Bosques de la Primavera S.A
Project Participants: Organización La Primavera S.A., Bosques de la Orinoquía S.A., Bosques de La Primavera S.A., the María Padres Monfortianos Company, the Reforestadora Guacamayas S.A, Incomser Ltda and the Reforestadora Los Cambulos S.A.S
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB): Colombian Institute for Technical Standards and Certification (ICONTEC)
Methodology: CDM - AR-ACM0003. CDM Afforestation and reforestation of lands except wetlands
Quantification Period: 2005-06-02 to 2065-06-02
Verified GHG Emission Reductions or Removals: 5,559,630
Sector: Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU)
Migrated from: Clean Development Mechanism
Country: Colombia

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The Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia has as its objective to employ the international carbon market as a key incentive for investments in new commercial forest plantations and restoration of natural forests in the remote High Orinoco region of Colombia. The project is based on changing the use of land from extensive cattle ranching to sustainable forest production systems, restoring natural forest cover, and creating a landscape of biological and productive corridors that produce financial, social and environmental services for the region.