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Tool for the determination of contributions to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) projects

Compliance with the SDGs is the responsibility of the States. Thus, the projects contribute in different proportions to the SDGs compliance. This impact is more or less relevant depending on the status of the baseline made up of beneficiaries / direct stakeholders and other indirect actors, such as communities and ecosystems.

BioCarbon Registry developed the tool for evaluating contributions to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the GHG projects registered and certified in BioCarbon Registry.



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Objectives of the SDG Tool

  • Determine which are the applicable SDGs to the GHG projects
  • Evaluate the application of management measures for GHG projects
  • Evaluate the performance of compliance with the applicable SDGs
  • Identify management opportunities to enhance performance and progress in meeting the SDGs



The project holders must delimit the population on which positive or negative impacts are generated. BioCarbon Registry will verify that the criteria applied by the projects for such determination are adjusted to local realities.

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The project holders and the Conformity Assessment Bodies may find the tool here.


Download  here the document Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).





